LSC Resilience

An email from President Rogers on November 8, 2023:
Recently, we had a major flood in our L Building due to a burst sprinkler, with ground zero in the L228 conference room. Within minutes, security was alerted and was able to have our facilities folks help shut off the system.
Shortly after that, our VP for Finance and Security Officer determined that we needed professional help to handle the situation, as water had spread down the hall toward Hawks Landing and was also leaking into the floor space below.
Within 30 minutes, Servpro arrived and assessed the situation. They determined that we had to move all items out of the impacted rooms which prompted me to call Dean Sackette-Urness (she is the supervisor of the library). She and about 30 or so faculty, staff, and student workers arrived to begin moving EVERYTHING!
Folks, this is what LSC is all about! Our sense of community, our dedication to our students and each other, and our willingness to jump in and help is second to none! Thank you all so much for dropping what you were doing and cheerfully slogging through wet carpets and standing water. You saved so much and made the job for those cleaning up so much easier. I can never thank you all enough. I am proud to be your colleague!
Dr. Patricia Rogers