95 Review of the War (1781)

Philadelphia, July 7, 1781.
The insuperable difficulties which opposed a general conquest of America seemed as early as the year 1779 to have been felt by the enemy and to have led them into the scheme of directing their operations and views against the Southern States only. Clinton accordingly removed with the principal part of his force from New York to South Carolina and laid siege to Charleston which after an honorable resistance was compelled to surrender to a superiority of force. Our loss in men besides the inhabitants of the town was not less than two thousand. Clinton returned to New York. Cornwallis was left with about five thousand troops to pursue his conquests. General Gates was appointed to the command of the Southern department in place of Lincoln, who commanded in Charleston at the time of its capitulation.
He met Cornwallis on the 16th of August, 1780, near Camden in the upper part of South Carolina and on the border of North Carolina. A general action ensued in which the American troops were defeated with considerable loss, though not without making the enemy pay a good price for their victory. Cornwallis continued his progress into North Carolina but afterwards retreated to Camden. The defeat of Gates was followed by so general a clamor against him that it was judged expedient to recall him. Greene was sent to succeed in the command. About the time of his arrival at the army Cornwallis, having been reinforced from New York, resumed his enterprise into North Carolina. A detachment of his best troops was totally defeated by Morgan with an inferior number and consisting of a major part of militia detached from Greene’s army. Five hundred were made prisoners, between two and three hundred killed and wounded, and about the like number escaped. This disaster, instead of checking the ardor of Cornwallis, afforded a new incentive to a rapid advance in the hope of recovering his prisoners. The vigilance and activity however of Morgan secured them.
Cornwallis continued his pursuit as far as the Dan River which divides North Carolina from Virginia. Greene, whose inferior force obliged him to recede this far before the enemy, received such succors of militia on his entering Virginia that the chase was reversed. Cornwallis in his turn retreated precipitately. Greene overtook him on his way to Wilmington and attacked him. Although the ground was lost on our side, the British army was so much weakened by the loss of five or six hundred of their best troops that their retreat towards Wilmington suffered little interruption. Greene pursued as long as any chance of reaching his prey remained and then, leaving Cornwallis on his left, took an oblique direction towards Camden which, with all the other posts in South Carolina except Charleston, have in consequence fallen again into our possession. His army lay before the latter when we last heard from him. It contained seven or eight hundred men and large quantities of stores. It is nearly two hundred miles from Charleston and without some untoward accident cannot fail of being taken. Greene has detachments all over South Carolina, some of them within a little distance of Charleston. And the resentments of the people against their late insolent masters ensure him all the aids they can give in re-establishing the American Government there. Great progress is also making in the redemption of Georgia.
As soon as Cornwallis had refreshed his troops at Wilmington, abandoning his Southern conquests to their fate, he pushed forward into Virginia. The parricide [Benedict] Arnold had a detachment at Portsmouth when he lay on the Dan. Philips had reinforced him so powerfully from New York that the junction of the two armies at Petersburg could not be prevented. The whole force amounted to about six thousand men. The force under the Marquis de LaFayette, who commanded in Virginia, being greatly inferior did not oppose them but retreated into Orange and Culpeper [counties] in order to meet General Wayne who was on his way from Pennsylvania to join him. Cornwallis advanced northward as far as Chesterfield in the county of Caroline, having parties at the same time at Page’s warehouse and other places in its vicinity. A party of horse commanded by Tarleton was sent with all the secrecy and celerity possible to surprise and take the General Assembly and Executive who had retreated from Richmond to Charlottesville. The vigilance of a young gentleman who discovered the design and rode express to Charlottesville prevented a complete surprise. As it was, several Delegates were caught and the rest were within an hour of sharing the same fate. Among the captives was Colonel Lyon of Hanover. Mr. Kinlock, a member of Congress from South Carolina, was also caught at Mr. John Walker’s whose daughter he had married some time before. Governor Jefferson had a very narrow escape.
The members of the Government rendezvoused at Stanton where they soon made a House. Mr. Jefferson’s year having expired, he declined a re-election and General Nelson has taken his place. Tarleton’s party retreated with as much celerity as it had advanced. On the junction of Wayne with the Marquis and the arrival of militia, the latter faced about and advanced rapidly on Cornwallis who retreated to Richmond and thence precipitately to Williamsburg where he lay on the 27th ultimo [of last month]. The Marquis pursued and was at the same time within twenty miles of that place. One of his advanced parties had had a successful skirmish within six miles of Williamsburg. Bellini has, I understand, abided patiently in the college the dangers and inconveniences of such a situation. I do not hear that the consequences have condemned the experiment. Such is the present state of the war in the Southern Department. In the Northern the operations have been for a considerable time in a manner suspended. At present, a vigorous siege of New York by General Washington’s army aided by five or six thousand French troops under Count De Rochambeau is in contemplation and will soon commence. As the English have the command of the water, the result of such an enterprise must be very uncertain. It is supposed however that it will certainly oblige the enemy to withdraw their force from the Southern States, which may be a more convenient mode of relieving them than by marching the troops from New York at this season of the year to the southward. On the whole, the probable conclusion of this campaign is at this juncture very flattering, the enemy being on the defensive in every quarter.
The great advantage the enemy have over us lies in the superiority of their navy, which enables them continually to shift the war into defenseless places and to weary out our troops by long marches. The squadron sent by our ally to our support did not arrive till a reinforcement on the part of the enemy had counteracted their views. They have been almost constantly blocked up at Rhode Island by the British fleet. The effects of a hurricane in the last spring on the latter gave a temporary advantage to the former, but circumstances delayed the improvement of it till the critical season was past. Mr. Destouches, who commanded the French fleet, nevertheless hazarded an expedition into Chesapeake Bay. The object of it was to co-operate with the Marquis de LaFayette in an attack against Arnold who lay at Portsmouth with about fifteen hundred British troops. Had he got into the bay and taken a favorable station, the event would certainly have been adequate to our hopes. Unfortunately the British fleet which followed the French immediately from Rhode Island reached the capes of Virginia first. On the arrival of the latter a regular and fair combat took place. It lasted for several hours and ended rather in favor of our allies. As the enemy however were nearest the capes and one of the French ships had lost her rudder and was otherwise much damaged, the commander thought it best to relinquish his object and return to his former station. The damage sustained by the enemy according to their own representation exceeded that of the French. And as their number of ships and weight of metal were both superior, it does great honor to the gallantry and good conduct of Mr. Destouches. Congress and indeed the public at large were so sensible of this that their particular thanks were given him on the occasion.
Source: James Madison, Letters and Other Writings (1865), I, 44-49. https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.45494/page/n629/mode/2up