159 Opponent of the War (1847)

Mr. President, I beg the indulgence of the Senate to some reflections on the particular bill now under consideration. I voted for a bill somewhat like the present at the last session — our army was then in the neighborhood of our line. I then hoped that the President did sincerely desire a peace. Our army had not then penetrated far into Mexico and I did hope that with the two millions then proposed we might get peace and avoid the slaughter, the shame, the crime of an aggressive, unprovoked war. But now you have overrun half of Mexico — you have exasperated and irritated her people — you claim indemnity for all expenses incurred in doing this mischief and boldly ask her to give up New Mexico and California. And as a bribe to her patriotism, seizing on her property, you offer three millions to pay the soldiers she has called out to repel your invasion on condition that she will give up to you at least one-third of her whole territory.
But sir, let us see what as the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations explains it, we are to get by the combined processes of conquest and treaty. What is the territory, Mr. President, which you propose to wrest from Mexico? It is consecrated to the heart of the Mexican by many a well-fought battle with his old Castilian master. His Bunker Hills and Saratogas and Yorktowns are there! The Mexican can say, “There I bled for liberty! And shall I surrender that consecrated home of my affections to the Anglo-Saxon invaders? What do they want with it? They have Texas already. They have possessed themselves of the territory between the Nueces and the Rio Grande. What else do they want? To what shall I point my children as memorials of that independence which I bequeath to them when those battlefields shall have passed from my possession?”
Sir, had one come and demanded Bunker Hill of the people of Massachusetts, had England’s Lion ever showed himself there, is there a man over thirteen and under ninety who would not have been ready to meet him? Is there a river on this continent that would not have run red with blood? Is there a field but would have been piled high with the unburied bones of slaughtered Americans before these consecrated battlefields of liberty should have been wrested from us? But this same American goes into a sister republic and says to poor, weak Mexico, “Give up your territory, you are unworthy to possess it. I have got one-half already and all I ask of you is to give up the other!” England might as well in the circumstances I have described, have come and demanded of us, “Give up the Atlantic slope — give up this trifling territory from the Alleghany Mountains to the sea. It is only from Maine to St. Mary’s — only about one-third of your republic and the least interesting portion of it.” What would be the response? They would say we must give this up to John Bull. Why? “He wants room.” The Senator from Michigan says he must have this. Why, my worthy Christian brother? On what principle of justice? “I want room!”
Sir, look at this pretense of want of room. With twenty millions of people, you have about one thousand millions of acres of land inviting settlement by every conceivable argument, bringing them down to a quarter of a dollar an acre and allowing every man to squat where he pleases. But the Senator from Michigan says we will be two hundred millions in a few years and we want room. If I were a Mexican I would tell you, “Have you not room in your own country to bury your dead men? If you come into mine, we will greet you with bloody hands and welcome you to hospitable graves.”
Why, says the chairman of this Committee on Foreign Relations, it is the most reasonable thing in the world! We ought to have the Bay of San Francisco. Why? Because it is the best harbor on the Pacific! It has been my fortune, Mr. President, to have practiced a good deal in criminal courts in the course of my life. But I never yet heard a thief arraigned for stealing a horse, plead that it was the best horse that he could find in the country! We want California. What for? Why, says the Senator from Michigan, we will have it. And the Senator from South Carolina with a very mistaken view I think of policy, says you can’t keep our people from going there. I don’t desire to prevent them. Let them go and seek their happiness in whatever country or clime it pleases them.
All I ask of them is not to require this Government to protect them with that banner consecrated to war waged for principles — eternal, enduring truth. Sir, it is not meet that our old flag should throw its protecting folds over expeditions for lucre or for land. But you still say you want room for your people. This has been the plea of every robber chief from Nimrod to the present hour.
Source: Thomas Corwin, Appendix to the Concessional Globe, 29th Congress, 2nd session (1847), 216-217. https://archive.org/details/americanhistoryt00ivunse/page/24/mode/2up