64 Louisbourg Expedition (1745)

Boston, March 23, 1745. The General is embarking and we shall sail this afternoon. Commodore Warren is coming to our assistance, which with the blessing of God will be of great advantage. There will go down in the first embarkation at least twenty-five hundred soldiers.
Sheepscot, March 27. We have in our mess Mr. Walter, our chaplain, who is a very pleasant companion. I dined today on board of Capt. Grant, who tomorrow with Capt. King will breakfast with me. Our troops were landed at Chapeaurouge on the 29th March.
Canso, April 17. Wrote home for provisions and stores to be sent in case the goods I expect shall arrive safe from England. We are almost reduced to pork and peas. Our men-of-war and privateers are stationed all round the island to prevent vessels going in or coming out. This evening another prize arrived, taken by Capt. Donahue, in the Swan of Marblehead, who behaved very bravely. The prize had captured the packet sent from Boston to Canso to notify us that Commodore Warren was coming to our assistance, which heightens our spirits.
Canso, April 22. Capt. Durell is come in this afternoon to our assistance, as yet we have no news of Commodore Warren. Hope it will not be long before he arrives with an account of the French men-of-war expected. Our last transport arrived this afternoon; we had almost given her up. I believe our campaign will be short and expect the place will surrender without bloodshed. Last night our chaplain and doctor went with two companies to attack St. Peter’s, and we are momently looking for their return. I long to be once within the walls of Louisburg. This is the strangest country I ever knew; not two fair days together.
Canso, April 27. The Connecticut fleet arrived and Col. Lathrop handed me my letter. The scheme of attacking Louisburg is altered every day. Commodore Warren has arrived. I trust the expedition will prove successful and that our friends will remember we are going against our common enemy. May 1st, a small party went to the harbor and burned a small quantity of wine, brandy, and naval stores.
Camp before Louisburg, May 6. We have got possession of the Grand Battery. The French departed from it three days ago. They spiked all the guns but we have got seven of them clear and five of them are continually playing upon the town. Our soldiers are all in good heart and I doubt not in a few days we shall have the town. We have taken a great number of prisoners. Commodore Warren this day came ashore to visit the General. He and all our officers have a good understanding among themselves. Yesterday a gun at the Grand Battery split and wounded five of our men. They now and then throw a bomb but do no damage. This morning came in Col. Moulton with his detachment from St. Peter’s, which they have demolished with the loss of but one man. Providence has signally smiled and I doubt not the campaign will be crowned with success. I am willing to undergo anything for the good of our cause.
Camp before Louisburg, May 12, 1745. Commodore Warren has had two hundred marines and sailors ashore for three days past in order to attack the island battery. But something or other has always prevented its accomplishment, so the Commodore has ordered them all aboard and gone on board himself not a little dissatisfied.
Camp before Louisburg, May 26. Commodore Warren has taken the Vigilante, a 64-gun ship from France, coming with ammunition for this garrison. She was manned with five hundred men, had five hundred barrels gunpowder on board. She lost thirty men before she struck [her colors or surrendered]. The command of her is given to Captain Douglass, who before had the Mermaid and Capt. Montague is to have the Mermaid. This has given new life to all our officers and soldiers. Capt. Gayton is safely arrived at last, which affords great joy. For we almost despaired of him, being out so long after all the transports had arrived that left under his convoy. Capt. Fletcher has had the misfortune to lose ten men by the Indians: seven killed and three taken prisoners. They went ashore ten miles above where we lay to get wood and keeping no guard, were beset by the Indians and cut off.
Camp before Louisburg, June 2nd. We have made an attempt upon the island battery and failed. Abbot, a townsman of mine, was wounded in the leg and I fear he will lose his life. A hundred men are missing and we are in hopes they are taken, as two boats laden with men were seen going into the town after the attack, when the French gave three hurrahs. Young Gray is dead and three of Capt. Grant’s men are missing, all of Salem. Our scouts have had an engagement with a number of French and Indians which we routed. Killed thirty and wounded forty; we lost but six killed. Among them is the brave Capt. Dimmock of Barnstable and twenty wounded, some very dangerously. Our men got under the very walls before the French fired a gun.
Louisburg, June 1745. The Governor, aware of our preparations for a general assault, thought it best to capitulate and has just surrendered the city to our arms.
Louisburg, July 25th, 1745. An East India ship worth at least £200,000 sterling came off the harbor and fired a gun for a pilot. The Commodore sent out two sixty-gun ships, which came up with and took her in three hours. We had the pleasure from the walls to see her strike [her colors] to them. Two others sent out three weeks before her are hourly expected to heave in sight. Col. Graham goes tomorrow in a sloop as a flag of truce for Canada, with about thirty French prisoners. He is the only Englishman that goes in her. I am going on board Capt. Lovett to St. Peter’s with a number of my soldiers, to guard the wood-vessels going there. Our affairs will soon be settled and I shall, to my great joy, return home.
Samuel Curwen, Journal and Letters (edited by George Atkinson Ward, New York, etc., 1842), 12-14. https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.45494/page/n369/mode/2up