24 Defense of Virginia Charter (1623)
The Virginia Company’s defense of their colony and its charter, presented to the King after several critics had attacked the mismanagement of the colony and lodged grievances against its leaders with the English government.
May it please Your Majesty:
In the end of December in the year 1618, being the 12th year after the beginning of this plantation and after the expense of four-score thousand pounds of the public stock and upwards, besides other sums of voluntary planters, there were remaining there in the colony about six hundred persons — men, women, and children — and cattle about three hundred at the most, and the Company was then left in debt about five thousand pounds.

At this time (through God’s blessing), notwithstanding the great mortalities which in some of these four latter years have generally seized upon all those parts of America, and besides the late massacre of three hundred and fifty persons and a great mortality thereby occasioned by being driven from their habitation and provisions, there are remaining as we compute above five and twenty hundred persons, sent with the expense only of thirty thousand pounds of the public stock besides the charges of particular societies and planters. And the cattle, what by new supplies and what by increase of the former provision, are multiplied to above one thousand of beasts and of swine an infinite number and the old debt of the Company has been discharged.
At the beginning of these four last years the only commodities of price and upon which only a valuation was set to maintain the trade were tobacco and sassafras, for in the two last years before there was no course taken up for the setting up of any others through the poverty of the Company. During these 4 last years there has been expended in setting up of iron works (the ore whereof is there in great plenty and excellent) above five thousand pounds, which work being brought in a manner to perfection was greatly interrupted by the late massacre, but ordered to be restored again with all possible diligence.
For the making of wine, it is to be known that the soil there does of itself produce vines in great abundance and some of a very good sort, besides diverse plantations been sent thither of the better hands of Christendom. There has also been sent thither eight vigneroons [winemakers] procured from Languedoc and careful order has been taken for setting up of that commodity, which we doubt not in a short time will show itself in great plenty. And had not the business been interrupted by the massacre e’er this effect had been seen, there being diverse vineyards planted in the country whereof some contained ten thousand plants.
For silk the country is full of mulberry trees of the best kind, and general order taken for the planting of them abundantly in all places inhabited. True it is that the silkworm seed has till this last year miscarried, to the great grief of the Company, having had large supplies thereof from your Majesty’s store. But in September last we sent near 80 ounces with extraordinary care and provision that we doubt not but that it will prosper and yield a plentiful return, there being sent also men skillful to instruct the planters for all things belonging to bring the silk to perfection. And we have notice that the seed has been received safe and order given for the disposing and nourishing them through the whole plantation.
There have been sent also at the great charge of the Company, skillful men from Germany for setting up of sawing mills, and diverse shipwrights from hence for making boats and ships. And others for salt works and others for other commodities, the good effect whereof we doubt not will shortly appear. We will not here enlarge in declaring the great and assiduous care which the Council and Company with their principal officers have from time to time taken, as well from reclaiming the colony from overmuch following tobacco (every man being now stinted to a certain proportion). As also in setting forward the other staple and rich commodities, as well by the charges and provisions aforesaid as likewise by setting upon them a competent valuation, not doubting but that whosoever will be pleased to take the pains to peruse their frequent letters, instructions, and charters to that effect together with sundry printed books made purposely and published for their help and direction (the full view whereof is prohibited to no man), will be far from censuring them for any omission. Neither may we forbear to do that justice to the Governor and Commission and other principal officers now residing in Virginia as not to testify their solicitous care and industry in putting in execution our desires and instructions, as appears by their proclamation and other orders to be seen.
Touching the government, it has in these four latter years been so reformed according to your Majesty’s original directions that the people who in former times were discontent and mutinous by reason of their inassurance [uncertainty] of all things, through want of order and justice, live now amongst themselves in great peace and tranquility, each knowing his own and what he is mutually to receive and perform. And to the end that worthy persons may be allured to these places of council and government and all occasion of rapine and extortion be removed, the Council and Company have now at their very great charge, caused to be set up a competent annual provision and revenue for maintenance of the Governor, with other magistrates and officers and particularly the ministry, according to the degree and quality of each place.
Neither have these our cares and courses been ineffectual, but as they have settled the colony there in a great quiet and content, so have they raised here at home so great a fame of Virginia that not only men of meaner estates as at the first by necessity, but many persons of good sort out of choice and good liking, have removed themselves thither and are daily in providing to remove. There have been in these four last years granted forty-four patents for land to persons who have undertaken to transport each of them at least one hundred men, whereas in the former twelve years there was not above six.
There have come in ten times more adventurers in these four last years than in almost twice that time before, so that whereas in former times there were sometimes hardly got twenty to keep the quarter-court, there are now seldom less than two hundred and sometimes many more. There have been employed in these four last years forty-two sail of ships of great burden, whereas in four years before there were not above twelve. To conclude, for the better securing of the plantation besides the continual sending of multitudes of persons and shipping (whereof there were lately, about Christmas last, seventeen sail in James River in Virginia), the Council and Company to their great charge have given order for the erecting of a fort in some convenient place in the same river to keep out foreign invasion till better preparation be made.
And if your Majesty, being the first founder and great supporter of this action (which will remain a constant monument of your glorious name forever), will be pleased that the four hundred young and able men desired by the Company and not denied but respited may now at length be levied as was petitioned and sent to Virginia for the rooting out of those treacherous and barbarous murderers, as also for the supply of the plantation in parts yet defective, we doubt not but in a short time to yield unto your Majesty so good and real account of the fruits of our cares, endeavors, and labors as may be answerable to our duty and your princely expectation.
Source: “A Declaration of the present State of Virginia humbly presented to the King’s most Excellent Majesty by the Virginia Company”, from Abstract of the Proceedings of the Virginia Company of London, in Virginia Historical Society, Collections VIII (Richmond, 1889), II, 146-151. In Hart, American History Told by Contemporaries, 228-233. https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.45493/page/n249/mode/2up