211 Battle of the Little Bighorn (1876)

That spring [1876] I was camped on Powder River with fifty lodges of my people—Cheyennes. The place is near what is now Fort McKenney. One morning soldiers charged my camp. They were in command of Three Fingers [Colonel McKenzie]. We were surprised and scattered, leaving our ponies. The soldiers ran all our horses off. That night the soldiers slept, leaving the horses one side; so we crept up and stole them back again. And then we went away.
We traveled far and one day we met a big camp of Sioux at Charcoal Butte. We camped with the Sioux and had a good time, plenty grass, plenty game, good water. Crazy Horse was head chief of the camp. Sitting Bull was camped a little ways below, on the Little Missouri River. Crazy Horse said to me, “I’m glad you are come. We are going to fight the white man again.” The camp was already full of wounded men, women, and children. I said to Crazy Horse, “All right. I am ready to fight. I have fought already. My people have been killed, my horses stolen. I am satisfied to fight.”
I believed at that time the Great Spirits had made Sioux, put them there [he drew a circle to the right] and the white men and Cheyennes here [indicating two places to the left], expecting them to fight. The Great Spirits I thought liked to see the fight; it was to them all the same like playing. So I thought then about fighting.
About May, when the grass was tall and the horses strong, we broke camp and started across the country to the mouth of the Tongue River. Then Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse and all went up the Rosebud. There we had a big fight with General [George] Crook and whipped him. Many soldiers were killed—few Indians. It was a great fight, much smoke and dust. From there we all went over the divide and camped in the valley of Little Horn. Everybody thought, “Now we are out of the white man’s country. He can live there, we will live here.” After a few days, one morning when I was in camp north of Sitting Bull, a Sioux messenger rode up and said, “Let everybody paint up, cook, and get ready for a big dance.”
Cheyennes then went to work to cook, cut up tobacco, and get ready. We all thought to dance all day. We were very glad to think we were far away from the white man. I went to water my horses at the creek and washed them off with cool water, then took a swim myself. I came back to the camp afoot. When I got near my lodge, I looked up the Little Horn towards Sitting Bull’s camp. I saw a great dust rising. It looked like a whirlwind. Soon Sioux horsemen came rushing into camp shouting, “Soldiers come! Plenty white soldiers.”
I ran into my lodge and said to my brother-in-law, “Get your horses, the white man is coming. Everybody run for horses.” Outside, far up the valley I heard a battle cry, Hay-ay, hay-ay! I heard shouting too, this way [clapping his hands very fast]. I couldn’t see any Indians. Everybody was getting horses and saddles. After I had caught my horse, a Sioux warrior came again and said, “Many soldiers are coming.” Then he said to the women, “Get out of the way, we are going to have hard fight.”
I said, “All right, I am ready.” I got on my horse and rode out into my camp. I called out to the people all running about, “I am Two Moon, your chief. Don’t run away. Stay here and fight. You must stay and fight the white soldiers. I shall stay even if I am to be killed.”
I rode swiftly toward Sitting Bull’s camp. There I saw the white soldiers fighting in a line. Indians covered the flat. They began to drive the soldiers all mixed up—Sioux, then soldiers, then more Sioux, and all shooting. The air was full of smoke and dust. I saw the soldiers fall back and drop into the riverbed like buffalo fleeing. They had not time to look for a crossing. The Sioux chased them up the hill, where they met more soldiers in wagons. And then messengers came saying more soldiers were going to kill the women and the Sioux turned back. Chief Gall was there fighting. Crazy Horse also.
I then rode toward my camp and stopped squaws from carrying off lodges. While I was sitting on my horse I saw flags come up over the hill to the east like that [he raised his finger-tips]. Then the soldiers rose all at once, all on horses, like this [he put his fingers behind each other to indicate that Custer appeared marching in columns of fours]. They formed into three bunches [squadrons] with a little ways between. Then a bugle sounded and they all got off horses and some soldiers led the horses back over the hill.
Then the Sioux rode up the ridge on all sides, riding very fast. The Cheyennes went up the left way. Then the shooting was quick, quick. Pop-pop-pop very fast. Some of the soldiers were down on their knees, some standing. Officers all in front. The smoke was like a great cloud and everywhere the Sioux went the dust rose like smoke. We circled all round him—swirling like water round a stone. We shoot, we ride fast, we shoot again. Soldiers drop and horses fall on them. Soldiers in line drop but one man rides up and down the line—all the time shouting. He rode a sorrel horse with white face and white fore-legs. I don’t know who he was. He was a brave man.
Indians keep swirling round and round and the soldiers killed only a few. Many soldiers fell. At last all horses killed but five. Once in a while some man would break out and run toward the river but he would fall. At last about a hundred men and five horsemen stood on the hill all bunched together. All along the bugler kept blowing his commands. He was very brave too. Then a chief was killed. I hear it was Long Hair [Custer], I don’t know. And then the five horsemen and the bunch of men, maybe [about] forty, started toward the river. The man on the sorrel horse led them, shouting all the time. He wore a buckskin shirt and had long black hair and mustache. He fought hard with a big knife. His men were all covered with white dust. I couldn’t tell whether they were officers or not. One man all alone ran far down toward the river then round up over the hill. I thought he was going to escape but a Sioux fired and hit him in the head. He was [a sergeant] the last man. He wore braid on his arms.
All the soldiers were now killed and the bodies were stripped. After that no one could tell which were officers. The bodies were left where they fell. We had no dance that night. We were sorrowful.
Next day four Sioux chiefs and two Cheyennes and I, Two Moon, went upon the battlefield to count the dead. One man carried a little bundle of sticks. When we came to dead men, we took a little stick and gave it to another man, so we counted the dead. There were 388. There were thirty-nine Sioux and seven Cheyennes killed and about a hundred wounded. Some white soldiers were cut with knives to make sure they were dead and the war women had mangled some. Most of them were left just where they fell. We came to the man with the big mustache, he lay down the hills towards the river. The Indians did not take his buckskin shirt. The Sioux said, “That is a big chief. That is Long Hair.” I don’t know. I had never seen him. The man on the white-faced horse was the bravest man.
That day as the sun was getting low our young men came up the Little Horn riding hard. Many white soldiers were coming in a big boat and when we looked we could see the smoke rising. I called my people together and we hurried up the Little Horn into Rotten Grass Valley. We camped there three days and then rode swiftly back over our old trail to the east. Sitting Bull went back into the Rosebud and down the Yellowstone and away to the north. I did not see him again.
Source: “Battle of the Little Bighorn, Narrated by an Indian Who Fought in It”, by Two Moons in McClure’s Magazine, September, 1898. http://www.historyisaweapon.com/defcon1/twomoonslittlebighorn.html