M5 Activities

M5: Collaborative Problem Solving

  • Alignments: 7e, 10q
  • Description: Synchronous group activity. Students determine what factors to consider when creating a collaborative goal-setting experience.
  • M5 Collaborative Problem Solving

M5: IEP Communication Bingo

  • Alignments: 1c, 7e, 7m, 10d
  • Description: Synchronous group activity. Students watch a mock IEP video, marking communication and collaboration practices they observe on a bingo card. Once a student calls bingo, the class analyzes the practices observed.
  • M5 IEP Communication Bingo

M5: Just One Thing

  • Alignments: 1c, 10q
  • Description: Asynchronous video discussion. Students explore ways to engage families using culturally responsive practices and identify one thing that will remain with them throughout their program of study.
  • M5 Just One Thing

M5: Responding to an Angry Email

  • Alignments: 10n
  • Description: Asynchronous or synchronous discussion. Students analyze an angry email from a parent to determine possible factors contributing to a collaboration breakdown and craft a response that employs effective communication techniques.
  • M5 Responding to an Angry Email

M5: What is Collaboration?

  • Alignments: 1c, 7m, 10d
  • Description: Synchronous or asynchronous think/pair/share. Students think about what the word collaboration means to them and work as a class to develop an understanding of the term.
  • M5 What Is Collaboration


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