A Deeper Dive

The following topics are all related to writing IEPs, but more in-depth than what is required for this introductory course. If this interest you, take a look!

Pre-referral Interventions

Iris Center Module on The Pre-Referral Process 

Evaluation Process

For more information about the evaluation process:


For more information about writing IEPs, Goals, and Objectives

Targeted Technical Assistance: IEP Annual Goals and Short-Term Objectives

St. Croix River Education District: Individual Education Programs for an in-depth look at each component of the IEP

Special Education Training

Minnesota Department of Education Special Education Q&A

Minnesota Department of Education Due-Process Forms

The Short-and-Sweet IEP Overview

For more information about IEPs and further practice writing, visit the IRIS Center Module: IEPs: Developing High-Quality Individualized Education Programs .

Terms for talking about race, equity and social justice

Racial Equity Tools Glossary

Information about IDEA



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Design of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) Copyright © 2023 by Aaron Deris, Ph.D.; Amy Murzyn, Ed.D.; and Kiersten Hensley, Ph.D. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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