M4 Activities

M4: Is Special Education Really Broken

  • Alignments: 2h, 6u, 7p
  • Description: Synchronous or asynchronous discussion. Students read the article “Special Education is Broken” and reflect on the issues presented. After identifying some of the issues presented, students consider how the issues they identified might arise during the special education process and ways to prevent them from occurring.
  • M4 Is Special Education Really Broken

M4: Navigating Parental/Guardian Refusal of Special Education Services 

  • Alignments: 7m, 7p
  • Description:  Synchronous discussion. Students review different scenarios that illustrate a parent/guardian refusing special education services. Students will consider how they will thoughtfully respond to the parent’s concerns while also considering ways to support the student without an IEP in place.  
  • M4 Navigating Parental or Guardian Refusal of Special Education Services


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