7 Overview: Course Map

Learning Objectives

The following Learning objectives guide this section on the course map”

Following the Quality Matters guidelines for high-quality online course design and Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

    1. Develop (or revise) a set of student learning outcomes for your HyFlex course and map them to your Course Objectives.
    2. Check your planned activities and assessments for alignment and equivalence across modalities.


What is a course Map?

A course map is a visual or textual representation that outlines the structure, components, and sequence of a course. It typically includes the course objectives or learning outcomes, the topics or modules covered, the types of assessments used to evaluate student learning, and the instructional materials and activities that will be employed. A course map helps instructors plan and organize the course content and ensures alignment between learning objectives, instructional activities, and assessments. It also serves as a guide for students, providing a clear overview of what they will learn, how they will learn it, and how their learning will be assessed.

A HyFlex course design, short for Hybrid-Flexible, is a model that allows students the choice to attend classes in person, participate online in real-time, or engage with the course content asynchronously. This design offers maximum flexibility in terms of attendance and participation, catering to diverse student needs and preferences. A course map for a HyFlex course would therefore need to outline the learning objectives, content, activities, and assessments in a way that is accessible and achievable regardless of the participation mode chosen by the student.

Example of a Course Map Template for a HyFlex Course Design:

Course Title: Introduction to Conflict Sensitivity

Course Description: This course on Conflict Sensitivity focuses on the use of a conflict-sensitive approach to prepare and deliver programs in a peaceful, inclusive, and equitable way.

Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • SLO 1 – Introduce the concept of Conflict Sensitivity Education
  • SLO 2 – Discuss Conflict Analysis
  • SLO 3 – Explain Social cohesion and its indicators

This course map for a HyFlex course design illustrates how the course is structured to accommodate various modes of participation, ensuring that all students, regardless of their chosen mode, can achieve the learning outcomes.

Module and Week Module Learning Objectives Instructional Content Learning Activities Assessments Tools
M1 – Introduction


All modalities: Post your introduction on the Discussion Forum, Accept the Academic Integrity Statement and Syllabus Quiz




M2 – Exploring Conflict


All modalities:




M3 – Conflict Analysis Tools


All modalities:




M4- Conflict Sensitivity in Higher Education


All modalities:




M5- Communications Barriers in the Workplace


All modalities:




M6- Psychosocial & Emotional Support


All modalities:






Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Flexible (HyFlex) Design Copyright © by Genzeb Jan Terchino is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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