
1 Overview: Design Frameworks

Learning Objectives

This overview outlines the objectives and summary of the content to be covered in the section on Flexible (HyFlex) Course Design Frameworks.


After reading the section, you should be able to:

  • Describe the core principles of HyFlex Course Design
  • Identify the three foundational principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
  • Implement Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT) in your assessment design
  • Describe the benefits of Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT)
  • Describe course quality assurance rubrics

Equity Minded Course Design

Equity-minded course design aims to distribute benefits and burdens equitably in a course, to invite students into design decisions about their learning experience, and to welcome community-based design knowledge and practices, Vold (year)[1].

While a diversity lens focuses on bringing more marginalized students into an institution or field of study, an equity lens focuses on transforming institutional barriers that get in the way of student persistence and success, UCSC’s Teaching & Learning Center (year)[2]

With an equity lens, this section asks you to reflect on your current design and teaching practice and look for opportunities for continuous equity-minded improvement using research-supported frameworks.

Holistic Approach to Technology Enhanced Learning (HoTEL)

For a review of the learning theories, please consult the learning theory Map by Richard Millwood in the Holistic Approach to Technology-enhanced Learning (HoTEL)[3].


Learning Engineering[4]

Learning Engineering, as adopted by ICICLE, is a process and practice that . . .

  1. applies the learning sciences,
  2. using human-centered engineering design methodologies, and
  3. data-informed decision-making

. . . to support learners and their development.


  1. https://openoregon.pressbooks.pub/coursedesign/
  2. https://tlc.ucsc.edu/resources/equity-accessibility/equity-minded-teaching/
  3. http://hotel-project.eu/
  4. https://sagroups.ieee.org/icicle/learning-engineering-toolkit/


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Flexible (HyFlex) Design Copyright © by Genzeb Jan Terchino is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.