Adaptation Statement

Adaptation Statement

Adapted from: Environmental Geology by Lindsay Iredale is adapted from Physical Geology – H5P Edition by Karla Panchuck, copyright 2021 Karla Panchuk, licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license It was retrieved on September 7, 2023.

Adapted by: Lindsay Iredale

Adaptations: Most material in this textbook is new material relative to the adapted textbook, however, there are sections of minor to major adaptations as outlined below:

Scope of Adaptation: 

  • Module 1 – Major adaptations of Chapters 3, 4, 11, and 12.
  • Chapter 2A.1, section 1.1 – Major adaptation from Chapter 14.1
  • Chapter 3A.1 – Minor adaptation of the first section of Chapter 16.1
  • Chapter 3A.3 – Major adaptation of Chapter 16.2
  • Chapter 3B – Major adaptation of Chapter 17.4
  • Chapter 3C.2 – Major adaptation of Chapter 18.3
  • Chapter 3D.1 – Minor adaptation of the first half of Chapter 16.5
  • Chapter 3D.2, section 2.1 – Major adaption of Chapter 16.4
  • All other chapters or chapter sections from original work were removed
  • Any chapters or chapter sections not mentioned above as adapted are new content.
  • While some figures and H5P activities from Physical Geology – H5P Edition were utilized, this book contains over 200 new figures, including over 70 original figures, and over 90 new H5P activities

Major Adaptation: Substantial remixing, rewrites, significant changes to sources and material.

Minor Adaptation: Updates to language, adding new sources, etc.


Purpose of Adaptation: Environmental Geology by Lindsay Iredale adapted Physical Geology – H5P Edition by Karla Panchuck, as a method for beginning the textbook writing process with an existing chapter framework to aid in learning the internal workings of the Pressbooks system and for easy adoption (and adaptation) of the abundance of excellent figures and H5P content. Unless specifically stated otherwise, as is the case for a single introductory chapter that carries different authors, beyond this framework all written chapter content has been reordered, reworked, or added as new material to fit an environmental geology focus.

Publishing Data: Environmental Geology by Lindsay Iredale, copyright 2024 Lindsay Iredale, licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license


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Environmental Geology Copyright © 2024 by Lindsay Iredale is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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