
4. Plate Tectonics and Volcanism

Volcanic eruption styles and types and the materials and hazards produced during eruptions can all be tied together into a big picture by considering the plate tectonic settings in which magma forms (Figure 1C.4.1). Tectonic plates are the dominant controlling factor for volcanism, and as such most volcanic activity is present along plate tectonic boundaries (you can review the ways in which magma is formed in these areas in Chapter 1A).

Labeled illustration showing the various plate tectonic settings and the way in which magma is created at each as described in the figure caption.
Figure 1C.4.1 Plate tectonic settings of volcanism. Volcanoes along subduction zones are the result of flux melting (or fluid-induced melting – lowering the melting point by adding water). Decompression melting produces volcanoes along divergent margins (ocean spreading centers and continental rift zones), as well as above mantle plumes. Contact between hot mafic partial melts and felsic rocks can trigger partial melting of the felsic rocks (melting from conduction). Source: Karla Panchuk (2021), CC BY 4.0. Modified after U. S. Geological Survey (1999), Public Domain. View original.

There are five main scenarios to consider that create distinct types of volcanism:

  • Subduction zones: ocean-ocean and ocean-continent convergent boundaries
  • Mid Ocean Ridges: divergent boundaries in the ocean
  • Oceanic hot spots
  • Continental hot spots
  • Continental rifting: divergent boundaries on land

4.1 Subduction zone volcanoes

Most volcanoes on the planet form at subduction zones (ocean-ocean convergent and ocean-continent convergent boundaries). The magma generated here is a result of flux melting in the mantle, where volatiles such as water are supplied from minerals in the subducting plate into the asthenosphere and cause melting. the Pacific Ring of Fire, which is the dense line of volcanoes associated with the subduction zones surrounding the Pacific Ocean is a result of this. The magma generated at these locations is commonly (but not exclusively) intermediate (andesitic) in composition leading to large, explosive stratovolcanoes like Mt. Fuji and Mt. St. Helen’s (Figure 1C.4.2). Approximately three quarters of the volcanoes on the planet are found along the Ring of Fire.

World map with the zone ringing the Pacific Ocean from New Zealand north and west up past Japan and Russia, across the north where the Aleutian Islands and Alaska are and then south along the west coast of North America and South America is shaded yellow to show the Pacific Ring of Fire
Figure 1C.4.2. The Pacific Ring of Fire (yellow zone) is the zone of volcanoes created along the subduction zones around the Pacific Ocean. Stratovolcanoes are the most common volcano types along subductions zones. Inset bottom left: Photo of Mt. Fuji, a stratovolcano with distinctive steep sides. Inset top right: Photo of Mt. St. Helen’s, another distinctive stratovolcano. Source: Lindsay Iredale (2024). CC BY-4.0. Base map adapted from Smithsonian Institution Global Volcanism Program. Public Domain. Found here. Mt. Fuji photo: Syota Takahashi (2012). CC BY-3.0. Found here. Title added. Mt. St. Helen’s Photo: USGS (1982) Public Domain. Found here. Title added.

4.2 Mid Ocean Ridge Volcanoes

At ocean divergent boundaries, magma is generated through partial melting as decompression occurs generating basaltic magma (see Chapter 1A for review on decompression melting and partial melting). Basalt erupted along MORs forms new oceanic crust. At most mid ocean ridge locations, the volcanic activity does not rise above sea level and the basalt is solidified into pillow basalts on the ocean floor. If the volcanic activity does rise above sea level, the basalt spreads out to create shield volcanoes.

4.3 Oceanic Hotspot Volcanoes

Plate interiors are quite stable but intraplate volcanoes do occur as a result of hotspots. Remember, hotspots are where mantle plumes bring magma generated deep into the mantle up to the surface. As plates move overtop of these plumes, chains of volcanoes are created (refer to Chapter 1A.3). There are many hotspots on the planet as shown in Figure 1C.4.3, some of which are found underneath continents (see section 4.5 below), but most of which are underneath the ocean, such as Hawaii.

Global map showing locations of major Hotspots on Earth's surface as red dots on the map. There are over 50 hotspots located on the map.
Figure 1C.4.3. Red dots show locations of prominent hotspots on the planet. Most of these are in the oceans, but some, such as along the East African Rift and Yellowstone, are under continents. Source: UNAVCO (2009) CC BY-4.0. Found here.

The magma in mantle plumes is basaltic which leads to chains of large shield volcanoes at oceanic hotspots. A classic example of this is the Hawaiian Islands chain. The Hawaiian Islands are part of a much longer chain of islands (now mostly eroded and underwater) called the Emperor Seamount-Hawaiian Ridge (Figure 1C.4.4). The active hotspot is located southeast of the big island of Hawaii, in about the location of Loihi on the inset map. This hotspot is currently supplying the active volcanoes on the big island. All the other islands in the chain have moved off of the hotspot and are now extinct volcanoes.

Map showing the location of the Hawaiian hotspot to the southeast of the big island of Hawaii. The Pacific plate has moved over this hotspot creating a chain of volcanic islands and seamounts (islands that have now eroded below sea level) that extends to the northwest from the hotspot (Hawaiian Ridge) with a sharp bend about halfway along the chain where the chain then extends north (Emperor Seamounts). The far northern end of the Emperor Seamounts is the oldest volcano in the chain. The bend in the chain occurred 40 million years ago.
Figure 1C.4.4 Emperor Seamount-Hawaiian Ridge. The location of the active hotspot is shown as a star on the large map and is approximately at the location of Loihi on the inset map. The eroded volcanoes (seamounts) of this chain are oldest on the far northern side of the Emperor Seamount chain and get progressively younger towards the hotspot location. There is a distinct bend in the chain that occurred about 40 million years ago. One interpretation of this is that initially the Pacific Plate was moving towards the north around 40 million years ago the plate motion direction changed to its current direction of northwest. The inset map shows a close-up view of the present-day Hawaiian Islands with an arrow indicating plate motion direction. Source: Lindsay Iredale (2024). CC BY-4.0. Base map created using Google Earth. Inset map: USGS. Public Domain. Found here. Plate motion arrow added.

Loihi is the newest volcano in the Hawaiian chain. As of now, the volcanism is still below sea level, but with continued growth, it will one day be above sea level and the basalt will flow long distances and build another shield volcano in the Hawaiian Island chain!

4.4 Continental Hotspot Volcanoes

Volcanism associated with continental hotspots can vary from explosive rhyolitic volcanoes to large flood basalts. Where mantle hotspots cut through continental lithosphere instead of oceanic lithosphere, the magma composition can change from the original basaltic magma in the plume. As basaltic magma rises through the lithosphere it can incorporate parts of continental lithosphere and become much more felsic in composition. This is the case with the hotspot underlying the Yellowstone area of the western U.S. This area of continental crust is mountainous and thick, so the plume can become rhyolitic which results in very explosive eruptions. In addition, the Yellowstone area has super-eruptions (which is a fantastical term simply meaning the magma chamber is extremely large compared to a typical volcano and therefore the amount of material that is ejected is immense) – which sometimes leads to these massive caldera forming eruptions being called supervolcanoes. But the highly explosive magma, combined with a larger than usual magma chamber has made for exceptionally large eruptions in the past! Figure 1C.4.5 shows the extent of ashfall from the two most recent super eruptions of Yellowstone 2 million years ago (Huckleberry Ridge), 1.3 million years ago (Mesa Falls) and 640,000 years ago (Lava Creek). The largest of these ash falls covered two thirds of the continental United States. This is compared with the much smaller ash from Mt. St. Helen’s, which as was learned, was still a major eruption.

Map of the known ash-fall boundaries for several U.S. eruptions. Yellowstone ash falls covered almost half of the U.S., the Long Valley eruption covered approximately a quarter of the U.S., Mt. St. Helen's covered about half of Washington State (at the same thickness as the ashfalls of the other two volcanoes)
Figure 1C.4.5 Ash fall locations for Mt. St. Helen’s (orange), three different eruptions from Yellowstone (shades of beige), and Long Valley Caldera (another supervolcano in California; outlined in brown). Source: USGS. Public Domain. Found here.

Continental hotspots also create a chain of volcanoes, or more often called a hotspot track when on the continent, which can be used to see plate motion. The map below shows the hot spot track of the Yellowstone hot spot, which created a series of lava flows in the Snake River Plain area (Figure 1C.4.6).

Map of the northwestern U.S., showing the approximate locations of Yellowstone hotspot volcanic fields (orange) and Columbia Riv
Figure 1C.4.6 Hot spot track of the Yellowstone hotspot is shown by the orange circles through the Snake River Plain. Volcanic activity is oldest in the west (16.5 million years) and gets younger moving towards the northeast (towards Yellowstone; 2.1 million years to present day). The Columbia River Basalts (grey area) are a result of how mantle plume material interacted with the subducting slab inside the Earth around 17 million years ago. Source: USGS. Public Domain. Found here.

Hotspots under the continents can also produce flood basalts, such as the Columbia River Basalt, which is located west of the Yellowstone hotspot track. In this case, the area is near the western U.S. where oceanic lithosphere is subducting to the east under the continent. It is thought a slab of previously subducted lithosphere was lifted by the rising mantle plume and became trapped under the continental lithosphere allowing a large volume of magma to build up here. The timing of this coincides with a break in any Yellowstone hotspot activity approximately 20 million years ago. This accumulated magma finally broke through around 17 million years ago and flooded the landscape as the Columbia River Basalts. Following this, activity along the Yellowstone hotspot resumed as normal.

4.5 Continental Rift Volcanoes

Like continental hotspots, continental rifting is not defined by a single style of volcanism. The volcanism in these areas can range from shield volcanoes, to cinder cones, to stratovolcanoes, to flood basalts. There are very few active continental rifts currently, with the East African Rift, the Baikal Rift, the West Antarctic Rift, and the Rio Grande Rift being the major ones. Some areas of continental rifting, notably the East African Rift Zone, coincide with hotspots, while others, like the Baikal Rift do not (Figure 1C.4.7).

World map labeled as described in the figure caption.
Figure 1C.4.7 World map with locations of four major continental rift valleys marked in white: East African Rift (in eastern Africa), Rio Grande Rift (southwestern United States), West Antarctic Rift (western Antarctica), and Baikal Rift (eastern Russia). Note the location of a hotspot at northern edge of the East African Rift (red circle). Source: Lindsay Iredale (2024). CC BY-SA. Base map by MTBlack (2016) CC BY-SA. Found here.

Check your understanding: Volcanism and plate tectonics


U.S. Geological Survey (2021). Just how long has the Yellowstone Hotspot been around? https://www.usgs.gov/observatories/yvo/news/just-how-long-has-yellowstone-hotspot-been-around


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