Chapter 2D Main Ideas
1. Virtual Water
Water can be used directly or indirectly. Virtual water is the indirect water that becomes embedded within products and services. It makes up the vast majority of all water used.
2. Virtual Water Trade
As goods are imported and exported between regions or countries the water embedded in them is also transported. This movement of embedded water is virtual water trade. How much virtual water is moved in a particular good is controlled by the growing and manufacturing conditions where the good was produced.
3. Water Footprint
A water footprint is all of the water, direct and indirect, used and polluted. This can apply to a product, individuals, businesses, countries, etc. The water within a water footprint is categorized as green, blue, or grey. This concept was developed in the early 2000s.
4. Water Footprint Assessment
Water footprint assessments analyze the green, blue, and grey water components of a particular entity (individual, country, etc.). In the case of countries, this involves measuring the water used within a country (internal water) and the water used to produce goods that are imported into a country (external water). Water footprint assessments are a new way of analyzing water usage but are more comprehensive than solely looking at internal water usage for making national water management plans.
Key Term Check for Chapter 2D
What key term from Chapter 2D is each card describing? Turn the card to check your answer.