Start Here

This is your Faculty Learning Community (FLC for short). What we do here will be guided by your interests and your conversations. We do, however, have a few baseline expectations that will help us learn together, and they are covered in this module.

This module will help you

  • Navigate this course shell
  • Determine participation and submission expectations
  • Employ a shared language in your FLC conversations
  • Begin developing a sense of community within your FLC

The Deeper Dive in this module sets some expectations for your allyship, including how we hope you will respond if you are “called in” as the result of a microaggression. We’ll cover this topic in our kick-off as well.

The link to your Community Conversations Template document (the shared Word document we will use during live sessions) is in this module, under the Ways to Stay Connected section. Expect to return to this document throughout our time together.

Don’t forget to Do These Things!


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Faculty Learning Communities for Culturally Responsive Teaching Copyright © 2023 by Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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