I Fight No More Forever: The Nez Perce War of 1877

8 Bibliography

2020, Walla Walla. 2006. Sesquicentennial Commemoration of the Second Walla Walla Treaty Council. September 1. Accessed April 16, 2023. https://ww2020.net/sesquicentennial-commemoration-of-the-second-walla-walla-treaty-council/.

Libraries, Oklahoma State University. n.d. “Treaty With The Nez Perces, 1855.” Tribal Treaties Database. Accessed April 16, 2023. https://treaties.okstate.edu/treaties/treaty-with-the-nez-perces-1855-0702.

National Parks Service. n.d. Little Bighorn, A Place of Reflection. Accessed April 16, 2023. https://www.nps.gov/libi/index.htm.

Nerburn, Kent. 2005. Chief Joseph & The Light of the Nez Perce. New York: Harper Collins.

Nez Perce Tribe. n.d. Nez Perce Tribe. Accessed April 16, 2023. https://nezperce.org/about/history/.

Ourheritage.net. n.d. The Flight of the Nez Perce. Accessed November 13, 2013. http://www.ourheritage.net/index_page_stuff/following_trails/chief_joseph/chief_joseph_timeline.html.

Schofield, Brian. 2009. Selling Your Father’s Bones: American’s 140-Year War Against the Nez Perce. New York: Simeon and Schuster.

The West. 2023. Chief Joseph Speaks Selected Statements and Speeches by the Nez Percé Chief. Accessed April 16, 2023. https://www.pbs.org/kenburns/the-west/chief-joseph-speaks.

University of Texas. n.d. “Nez Perce War of 1877 – Battle Map.” Accessed April 16, 2023. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/national_parks/nez_94.jpg.


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