
28 Retrieval Activity 3

Activity #R3: Best Learning Habits

Cognitive Psychologists interested in helping students have the best learning habits have researched the most popular methods for studying and learning.

John Dunlosky describes results in the paper, Strengthening the Student Toolbox: Study Strategies to Boost Learning

Students have their own ideas about what are the best methods for studying. The strategies found to be used the most by students, such as highlighting and re-reading are actually the least effective for remembering. The image below tells the story. The most effective study methods, practice testing and distributed practice involve testing yourself to see what you know. Some of the middle strategies like summarization and key-word mnemonics are good strategies that do provide learning benefits. We will continue to reinforce the best strategies as you continue reading this module.


Top 10 learning techniques infographic. Cognitive psychologists interested in helping students have the best learning habits have researched the most popular methods for studying and learning. These techniques are characterized by accessbility, ease of use, and applicability. The best: Practise testing; distributed practise. Good: Elaborative interrogation; self-explanation; summarization; keyword mnemonics; images for text. Bad: rereading; highlighting; underlining.

(See more information about the power of these methods here: “How We Learn” in SA Mind 24, 4, 44-45 (September 2013). doi:10.1038/scientificamericanmind0913-44)


Dunlosky, J. (2013). American Educator, 37(3), 12-21. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1021069.pdf