
35 Night Activity 2

Light bulb made out of puzzle piecesActivity #N2: Time Management School Focus

Now that you have taken a close look at your main priorities each week, you will focus on what you do regarding coursework. Consider the classes you have currently. For most students, that would be between 4 and 5 separate courses. If you have more or less that is okay too.

In this activity you will list the classes or school work that you prioritize each week. It might be easy to think of these as classes, but depending on what you are studying it may be activities related to courses (e.g., research or artwork). Most of you can label the top priorities as your classes but it is okay to be flexible. If you are an artist or an athlete or you have a leadership activity during school hours, you might be adding that in as one of your most important priorities.

Click on the School Priorities tab for this activity.

Now that you have come up with your school priorities, consider distractions or things that get in the way of these priorities. Think back to activity 1. It is possible that some of your priorities in activities 1 and 2, at times, distract or conflict with one another. This is probably not ideal or what you intend; however, it can be normal in a busy life.

Identify your distractions or the things that often get in the way of your 5 most important areas of focus each week in school: