
33 Night

Large N over a background of a silhouette of a head that is filled in with the night sky. A cartoon brain stands at the bottom of the N with a cup of tea and a sleeping cap.


The “N” of LEARN stands for “NIGHT” and places emphasis on how you spend time outside of the classroom with a specific emphasis on sleep and time management. For long-term learning you need to get high-quality sleep as sleep is important in memory formation. In this section you will also gain information on best practices for using time and resources that can assist in the learning process.

Learners gain knowledge and skill by:

  • Considering how time is managed outside of the classroom
  • Understanding the benefits of sleep
  • Learning about how sleep affects memory
  • Knowing resources available to assist in the learning process

It can be difficult to fit learning into our daily lives outside of our classes. For example, I recently asked my science of learning class to estimate how much time they spent studying or preparing for their courses each week. I was surprised to find out there were several students who reported little to no time. I had a hard time believing they thought there was no work to be done outside of the classroom to be a successful student. I decided to ask additional questions….

I found out that many of them came from high schools in which their study time, or extra time for the completion of class assignments was built into their daily schedule. For example, students might have a study period designed for them to complete their work or teachers gave them the time to work on assignments during class. Now that they were in college, the idea of planning their own time to study and learn outside of the classroom was something new. It was something new they would need to begin planning for.

In this module I will emphasizes how students can plan to use time outside the classroom wisely, so they make the most of what remains in their day to do things like study and engage in healthy activities for the brain like getting the right amount of high-quality sleep.