16 Elaborate Activity 6

Light bulb made out of puzzle piecesActivity #E6: Bloom’s Taxonomy with course content

Now it is your turn to match learning content from your class or a topic that is interesting to you to Bloom’s.

Bloom's Taxonomy Cognitive Domain Triangle. Lower order thinking skills are at the bottom ranging to higher order thinking skills at the top. In order from bottom to top of the triangle: Purple = remembering; Blue = understanding; Green = applying; Yellow = analyzing; Orange = evaluating; Red = creating.

Create a learning triangle. First, write down your topic (i.e., don’t choose anxiety but something else that you have learned about in class). With that topic in mind, place the colors next to a description of how that topic is learned. For each color, be sure the description fits appropriately with the learning concept (remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, and creating).



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