

Now, it is time to apply our learning again, and this time to Parker, a 10th-grade male diagnosed with ASD. He was diagnosed at the age of four. He is an only child. He lives with his biological mother and father. He is verbal and is of average intelligence. Parker struggles with making friends in school. He is also in need of a transition plan for his life after high school.Read the below case study about Parker, and then respond to the questions that follow.

Meet Parker

Parker has a keen interest in technology, especially in the area of computer programming and video game design. He spends a considerable amount of his leisure time exploring different programming languages and working on small projects that allow him to create his own simple games. This hobby not only provides him with a sense of achievement but also serves as a comforting routine.

In addition to his passion for technology, Parker has a liking for graphic novels and anime, which he finds appealing due to their vibrant visuals and compelling storytelling. He particularly enjoys narratives that involve adventure and fantasy elements, often imagining himself as part of the fantastical worlds he encounters in his readings and viewings.

Despite his challenges in social interactions, Parker has shown a remarkable ability to connect with others online through forums and communities centered around his interests. This digital interaction has become a vital outlet for him to express himself and share his creations, receiving feedback that he finds both encouraging and constructive.

Parker’s dislikes include loud noises and crowded environments, which he finds overwhelming and stressful. He also shows little interest in competitive sports, preferring activities that allow for individual focus and creativity.

As for his future plans after high school, Parker has expressed a desire to pursue a career in software development, with a specific interest in creating educational games and tools for children with learning differences. He is motivated by his own experiences and the challenges he has faced, aspiring to make learning more accessible and enjoyable for others like him.

Think, Write, Share

  • What do you need to know to be able to work with Parker on building relationships?
  • Describe the information you would need to be able to build a transition plan for Parker.
  • Complete Parker’s case study with the background information you need to best serve him.


Learning and Human Development for Diverse Learners Copyright © 2023 by Staci Gilpin, Ph.D.; LeAnne Syring, Ph.D.; Amy Landers, Ph.D.; Laura Egan, SLP; and McKenzie Lee, SLP. All Rights Reserved.