
Common Misconceptions

Regarding common misconceptions about ID, I will once again draw on the advice of Emily Ladau. Take a few minutes and listen to the lived experiences of people with disabilities. This video features Special Olympics Chairman Timothy Shriver and his athletes, discussing why it is essential to include people with intellectual disabilities in all areas of life—especially healthcare access, but applicable across contexts. The first steps involve understanding what is and is not helpful and communicating with respect, compassion, and care. The accompanying Special Olympics web page offers 10 basic rules for communicating with someone with an intellectual disability.

Video: Talk to Me: Treating People with Intellectual Disabilities with Respect (3:36)

Note. From Special Olympics.


Learning and Human Development for Diverse Learners Copyright © 2023 by Staci Gilpin, Ph.D.; LeAnne Syring, Ph.D.; Amy Landers, Ph.D.; Laura Egan, SLP; and McKenzie Lee, SLP. All Rights Reserved.