
Medical Diagnosis vs. Educational Diagnosis of Autism

A medical diagnosis is provided by a medical practitioner based on the guidelines of the American Psychiatric Association (APA). The educational diagnosis is completed by educational professionals and addresses concerns within the school and educational system in accordance with special education law. A clinical diagnosis of autism does not necessarily translate to an educational categorization of autism in school. The clinical diagnostic characteristics do not always impact the ability to succeed in school.

For example, the student may not show behaviors or have discrepancies in academics, or they may be able to establish and maintain friendships (Duesenberg & Burns, 2021). An educational diagnosis resulting in the need for special education relies on autistic behaviors affecting the student’s educational performance. Therefore, a student may have a medical diagnosis of autism and may not be receiving special education services at school.


Learning and Human Development for Diverse Learners Copyright © 2023 by Staci Gilpin, Ph.D.; LeAnne Syring, Ph.D.; Amy Landers, Ph.D.; Laura Egan, SLP; and McKenzie Lee, SLP. All Rights Reserved.