Voice – Case Study
Meet Alex
Alex is a second-grade student who is currently receiving special education services in the area of Emotional and Behavior Disorders. Alex’s parents report that he is frequently yelling at home or making loud noises during play (e.g., truck and monster noises); however, they have not had any major concerns regarding his voice quality. He also demonstrates loud talking and yelling at school, especially when upset or playing in groups. His classroom and special education teachers are noticing that it is sometimes difficult to understand what Alex is saying, especially when his voice is very hoarse, raspy, or even aphonic (lacking any sound).
Think, Write, Share
- Explain what might be causing Alex’s vocal hoarseness.
- Explain what the next steps would be for the team to gain more information regarding Alex’s voice concerns.
- How can special or general education teachers and staff collaborate with the SLP and support this student’s communication needs?