

Karen Pikula's OER Learning Circle Model

Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

Karen Pikula’s OER Learning Circle Model Copyright © by Karen L. Pikula is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

The Pikula OER Learning Circle Model Guide has multiple licenses. The creator retains original copyright and issues Creative Commons Licenses on specific sections of the model.

The actual model and process is licensed CC BY-NC-ND. The reason for this licensing is that the author wants to preserve the integrity of the model and the process. In regard to the history; the history is the   history of this particular creation and cannot be altered as such, nor useful to users other than for a reference or reflection.

The guidance pieces for creating the D2L course room are also licensed CC BY-NC-ND. This is part of the actual model and needs to maintain the integrity of the model. But the table of contents example and the templates that the author has created are licensed CC BY- NC- SA. These are the perfect elements of the model for users to duplicate, edit, and change to make this model their own.

Thank you for understanding the importance of protecting the integrity of this model.

Karen L. Pikula PhD