
Individual Plan for OER Learning Circles

This is your ten-week plan template. This plan is intended to be flexible and change as work but with the same end goal (Week Ten Goal) in mind. As you work things will change and this plan allows for those changes. Follow the directions on the plan. Rows can be added or taken away based on the time frame of the Learning Circle session.

Individual Plan for OER Learning Circles





Please look under your project pathway and check out your D2L 01 Learning Circle Module!!!

Complete #1- #3 before our first Learning Circle Zoom Room Meeting!

      #4. We will do at our first Zoom Room Learning Circle Meeting.

1.     Complete your tentative work plan for all ten weeks. (This will change as you work, but a tentative plan will help you plan your time in terms of your main goals and objectives.) Submit to appropriate assignment folder (dropbox).

2.     Complete Entry Survey

3.     Attend Scheduled Zoom Room Sharing Circle

4.     Share concerns, ask questions 😊


Introduction Week Introduction Week: Create a tentative ten-week plan…Submit to appropriate Dropbox before first Learning Circle Zoom Room Meeting.

Learning Circle One: Create a tentative plan…Submit to appropriate Dropbox before first Learning Circle Zoom Room Meeting.

Where are you right now?

#1. Put this here in Learning Circle One.


Where do you want to be at the end of this Project?

#2. Put that in Learning Circle Ten.

#3. Fill in the weeks between with realistic work goals based on how you
know you work and your other work and daily life schedules. Know
that this tentative plan will change as you work! That is fine! Just get
a rough draft here of a ten-week work plan.



Learning Circle One

Work Plan


Learning Circle One: Submit the plan you made last week with any changes that you made have made after this first week’s work on your project, to appropriate Dropbox before first Learning Circle Zoom Room Meeting.
Learning Circle One

Plan for One Hour Independent Work

Put any additional work here that you would like to work into your schedule this week, that you know you may not have time for, but is on your wish list…
Learning Circle One

Journal Reflection


As your work this week and every week, journal your thoughts, actions, website that you find that you want to go back to later, or plans for future work that you realized you want to do at some time in the future, here…
Learning Circle Two

Work Plan



Learning Circle Two: Create a tentative plan…

Learning Circle Two

Plan for One Hour Independent Work

Put any additional work here that you would like to work into your schedule this week, that you know you may not have time for, but is on your wish list…
Learning Circle Two

Journal Reflection


As your work this week and every week, journal your thoughts, actions, website that you find that you want to go back to later, or plans for future work that you realized you want to do at some time in the future, here…
Learning Circle Three

Work Plan



Learning Circle Three: Create a tentative plan…

Learning Circle Three

Plan for One Hour Independent Work

Put any additional work here that you would like to work into your schedule this week, that you know you may not have time for, but is on your wish list…
Learning Circle Three

Journal Reflection

As your work this week and every week, journal your thoughts, actions, website that you find that you want to go back to later, or plans for future work that you realized you want to do at some time in the future, here…
Learning Circle Four

Work Plan



Learning Circle Four: Create a tentative plan…

Learning Circle Four

Plan for One Hour Independent Work

Put any additional work here that you would like to work into your schedule this week, that you know you may not have time for, but is on your wish list…
Learning Circle Four

Journal Reflection


As your work this week and every week, journal your thoughts, actions, website that you find that you want to go back to later, or plans for future work that you realized you want to do at some time in the future, here…
Learning Circle Five

Work Plan




Learning Circle Five: Create a tentative plan…

Learning Circle Five

Plan for One Hour Independent Work


Put any additional work here that you would like to work into your schedule this week, that you know you may not have time for, but is on your wish list…
Learning Circle Five

Journal Reflection on Findings


As your work this week and every week, journal your thoughts, actions, website that you find that you want to go back to later, or plans for future work that you realized you want to do at some time in the future, here…
Learning Circle Six

Work Plan



Learning Circle Six: Create a tentative plan…

Learning Circle Six

Plan for One Hour Independent Work

Put any additional work here that you would like to work into your schedule this week, that you know you may not have time for, but is on your wish list…
Learning Circle Six

Journal Reflection


As your work this week and every week, journal your thoughts, actions, website that you find that you want to go back to later, or plans for future work that you realized you want to do at some time in the future, here…
Learning Circle Seven

Work Plan



Learning Circle Seven: Create a tentative plan…

Learning Circle Seven

Plan for One Hour Independent Work

Put any additional work here that you would like to work into your schedule this week, that you know you may not have time for, but is on your wish list…
Learning Circle Seven

Journal Reflection


As your work this week and every week, journal your thoughts, actions, website that you find that you want to go back to later, or plans for future work that you realized you want to do at some time in the future, here…
Learning Circle Eight

Work Plan



Learning Circle Eight: Create a tentative plan…

Learning Circle Eight

Plan for One Hour Independent Work

Put any additional work here that you would like to work into your schedule this week, that you know you may not have time for, but is on your wish list…
Learning Circle Eight

Journal Reflection


As your work this week and every week, journal your thoughts, actions, website that you find that you want to go back to later, or plans for future work that you realized you want to do at some time in the future, here…
Learning Circle Nine

Work Plan



Learning Circle Nine: Create a tentative plan…

Learning Circle Nine

Plan for One Hour Independent Work

Put any additional work here that you would like to work into your schedule this week, that you know you may not have time for, but is on your wish list…
Learning Circle Nine

Journal Reflection


As your work this week and every week, journal your thoughts, actions, website that you find that you want to go back to later, or plans for future work that you realized you want to do at some time in the future, here…
Learning Circle Ten

Work Plan


Learning Circle Ten: Create a tentative plan…

What is your end goal?

Learning Circle Ten

Plan for One Hour Independent Work

Put any additional work here that you would like to work into your schedule this week, that you know you may not have time for, but is on your wish list…
Learning Circle Ten

Journal Reflection


As your work this week and every week, journal your thoughts, actions, website that you find that you want to go back to later, or plans for future work that you realized you want to do at some time in the future, here…
Learning Circle Ten

Findings Summit

Create Presentation of Findings



😊 Yep…You did it!


Download this template in MS Word