
Appendix A – The Application Process

The application process and the rubric to assess the application are included in this appendix.

Questions included in the application

OER Learning Circles Application Questions

  • Name:
  • Institution:
  • Discipline:
  • Course and course number:
  • Current textbook title(s) and author(s):
  • Are you Developmental Education faculty?
  • Are you Career and Technical Education (CTE) faculty?
  • Are you Fine Arts and Sciences Faculty?
  • Project type: ( Course Redesign, Authoring, Authoring of Ancillary Resources)
  • If course redesign / Course to be redesigned with OER: (please include prefix, number, and name of the course)
  • If Ancillary / What type of ancillaries?/ Identify the open textbook to which authored ancillary materials will correspond./
  • If Authoring / What textbook / Resources/ Identify the course that corresponds with the primary course resource you will develop: (please include prefix, number, and name of the course)/ What type of primary course resource will you author? (textbook, lab manual, etc.)
  • Is this a Developmental Education course?
  • Cost of current textbook(s) at college or university bookstore:
  • What is the annual enrollment in the course?
  • How will the course you redesign benefit or ancillary materials you create or text you author benefit students?
  • How will the course you redesign benefit or ancillary materials you create or text you author benefit other Minnesota State faculty?
  • I understand that to participate in OER Learning Circles, I will need to:
    • Attend a minimum of 80% of the scheduled Learning Circle meetings. Five (5) virtual meetings will be held weekly at a day and time as determined by participants.
    • Complete assigned activities in the OER Learning Circle D2L Brightspace course room.
    • Plan to spend approximately eight (8) hours per week on this project.
    • Agree that all original materials will be made available through a Creative Commons license; this CC license will not include a ND (no derivatives) condition.
    • Write a reflective summary on the redesign process (a Pay it Forward Guide) to be shared with faculty across the system.
    • Present your OER Learning Circle project at one of the four virtual OER Project Showcase Events scheduled in April .
    • Select which April Showcase Event you wish to present at; (Dates)




The rubric to assess the application:

Scoring rubric criteria

Scoring Rubric / Criteria:

• Courses with high PSEO and CIS enrollment will receive priority.
• Course is needed for Z Degree
• Course is scheduled to be taught in the next academic year
• Course is high enrollment (>50 students per year)
• Faculty is new to OER Learning Circles
• Application sustains current OER course (updates currently used OER materials, resources)
• Potential money saved next academic year.
• Are you Developmental Education faculty?
• Are you Career and Technical Education (CTE) faculty?
• Project type: ( Course Redesign, Authoring, Authoring of Ancillary Resources)
• Cost of current textbook(s) at college or university bookstore:
• What is the annual enrollment in the course?
• How will the course you redesign benefit or ancillary materials you create or text you author benefit
• How will the course you redesign benefit or ancillary materials you create or text you author benefit
other faculty?

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