
Glossary of Terms

Karen Pikula


The author uses the word, “Pearl” as a metaphor for an Aha moment, or a Finding or insight

“Sharing Circles”

The author uses the words "Sharing Circles" as synonymous of "Learning Circles."


adaptation is a term commonly used to describe the process of making changes to an existing work. We can also replace “adapt” with revise, modify, alter, customize, or other synonym that describes the act of making a change. Always given credit to the author(s) of the previous or original work.


Adopting an OER (Open Educational Resources) means that an instructor integrates Open Educational Materials into their courses without significant revisions, similar to adopting and integrating any new textbook into an existing course. The difference here is that there is no publisher support when adopting OER. Definition adapted from https://libguides.unm.edu/OER_Primer/adopt_adapt_create


In this case, the instructor is writing its OER (Open Educational Resources) materials using their own experience, or expertise.


the active process of raising knowledge or perception of a process, in this case, the need to raise 'awareness' about OER.


it refers to collaboration ('working together') across different areas of knowledge, for example, two professors teaching communications could collaborate (share) the authorship of a book on languages.


D2L = Desire to Learn. It is a common LMS system used to deliver online instruction.


An instructor working as a facilitator is one of the key factors responsible for ensuring learner success. In this case, the instructor facilitates (or, create the environment) the process instead of directing it.


It stands for "Faculty Learning Circle(s)"


The meaning of this word is that it intersects with several areas of knowledge ('disciplines'). For example, a science book can contain concepts from biology, chemistry, physics, etc. The word also applies to different fields of study, for example, a computer sciences professor uses philosophy to explain the major concepts of computer sciences to their students.


The term stands for "Information Technology."

Learning Circle

According to the author of this book, The Learning Circle (LC) Model and Process were created to allow participants to be met where they are in the learning process. The author sometimes uses only the words 'model' or 'process' and sometimes both.

Learning Circles

Stands for "Learning Management System (LMS)", in this book, the LMS is the D2L (Desired to Learn and recently named as Bright Space) system.


The word "modules" refers here to the Learning circle's set of units or parts that are used to conduct the course during a period of 10 weeks.


a new initiative that is constantly evolving and growing as the idea becomes more popular (more people are adopting the idea or initiative).


It is a common term used to users/participants of online learners to the importance of being respectful, appropriate, and sensitive to the needs of others. Examples of 'Netiquette' include the no use of impolite, disrespectful, derogatory language or inappropriate comments in the courseroom environment and regular communications such as emails, discussions and forums.


The acronym OER stands by "Open Educational Resources"

paradigm shift

The term refers to a fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions.


It refers to the "Quality Matters" system that uses a grading rubric to evaluate and certify online courses in the United States and abroad.


the logical reasons and foundational principles of action for an initiative, in this case, the 'OER initiative'.


Redesign Pathway: the term refers to faculty have already selected resources to use for their course and now 'redesign' their course and contents around the selected OER.


This term means that the instructor is using existing OER (Open Educational Resources) material for example, a textbook, a series of articles, or readings, and presenting them in a new or more pedagogic manner. But always giving credit to the original authors. Or, the instructor works in an OER content with previous permission from the original author.


the term refers to the process of combining original or revised content with other OER to create something new.


The faculty search for and review OER materials to adopt or adapt for their course.


The acronym stands for the "Senior Academic Officer (SAO)"

Show Case

It refers to a setting, occasion, or event for faculty participating in the Learning Circle to present (show case) their work. Commonly faculty uses powerpoint presentations/oral presentations; or, posters' exhibits using mostly an online environment (via Zoom or Teams).


It refers to a setting, occasion, or event for faculty participating in the Learning Circle to present (show case) their work. Commonly faculty uses powerpoint presentations/oral presentations; or, posters' exhibits using mostly an online environment (via Zoom or Teams).

The Learning Circle

The Learning Circle (LC) Model and Process were created to allow participants to be met where they are in the learning process. The author sometimes uses only the words 'model' or 'process' and sometimes both.

Universal Design

It is a strategy for designing educational content and materials to be accessible and inclusive to all learners. This approaches increases usability and higher numbers of users.