Module 3 Ancillaries

For detailed information about each type of ancillary resource below, read the Ancillaries Guide. The full resource is available as a downloadable Word document at the bottom of each item description.


The following InTASC specific standards are covered in Module 3: 4j, 9i, 9j, 9o, 10l

Module 3 Ancillary Alignments

Item Type Item Name Alignments
Activity M3: Frames of Reference 9i
Activity M3: Which Decade? 9j, 9o, 10l
Assessment M3: Now and Then 9i, 10l
Assessment M3: What's Wrong with This Picture? 4j, 9j, 9o
Interactive 3.1: Key People 4j
Interactive 3.1: Key People 2 4j
Interactive 3.1: Public Understanding of Disability 10l
Interactive 3.2: Inclusive Approaches and Laws 9j
Interactive 3.2 Key People 4j
Interactive 3.2: Special Education Legislation 9j
Interactive 3.2: Which Decade? 9j, 9o, 10l
Video EDUCATE-ABLE: A History of Educating Children With Disabilities in America 4j, 10l
Video A Brief But Spectacular take on the disability rights movement 4j, 10l
Video The 1960s in America: Crash Course US History #40 4j, 10l
Video Voices From Fairview 4j, 10l
Video Jennifer Keelan video 9i, 10l
Video 2018: The Year of ESSA 9j, 9o
Video Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: 40 Years Later 9j, 9o, 10l

Use the search function in the upper right corner of this table to filter for a specific InTASC standard.

So that it is easy to import the textbook materials over into your own Pressbook for students to use, without having to remove non-textbook materials manually, each module’s ancillaries are in their own module. We anticipate that instructors will pick and choose from this buffet of aligned resources rather than use them all. We also assume that instructors will import these materials into a variety of platforms (your institution’s LMS, at the end of your version of this Pressbook, etc.).

Guidance on how to import items into your own Pressbook are available in the Instructor Guide, along with examples of ways to use the materials in an LMS.



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