Module 1 Ancillaries

For detailed information about each type of ancillary resource below, read the Ancillaries Guide.


The following InTASC specific standards are covered in Module 1: 9i, 9j, 9n, 9o, 10p

Module 1 Ancillary Alignments

Item Type Item Name Alignments
Activity M1: District Policy 9o
Activity M1: Procedural Safeguards 9j, 9o
Activity M1: Unlearning Special Education 9i, 9j, 9n, 9o, 10p
Assessment M1: Explain a Law 9j, 9o
Assessment M1: What Would You Do? 9i, 9j, 9n, 9o
Interactive 1.1: AAE Code of Ethics 9o
Interactive 1.1: Federal Education Laws 9j, 9o
Interactive 1.1: For All Educators 9i, 9j, 9n, 9o, 10p
Interactive 1.1: Legal and Ethical Responsibilities for Educators 9j, 9n, 9o
Interactive 1.1: NEA Code of Ethics 9o
Interactive 1.1: School Governance 9o, 10p
Interactive 1.2: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 9j, 9o
Interactive 1.2 Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Special Education Professional Ethical Principles and Standards 9o
Interactive 1.2: Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 9j, 9o
Interactive 1.2: Key Federal Laws in Special Education 9j, 9o
Interactive 1.2: Legal and Ethical Responsibilities for Special Education 9j, 9n, 9o
Interactive 1.2: Parts of the IDEA 9j, 9o, 10p
Interactive 1.2: Rehabilitation Act 9j, 9o
Interactive 1.2: Special Education Abbreviations 9j, 9o
Video A Landmark Study Strikes a Resounding Note for Inclusion 9n
Video What Happens When I File a Complaint? 9o
Video Every Student Succeeds Act 9j
Video What is the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment? 9j, 9o
Video Implicit Bias Defined 9i
Video Teach Teachers How to Create Magic 10p
Video Rosa’s Law 9i, 9o
Video The Social Model of Disability 9i, 10p
Additional Resources Special Education Law Jeopardy Game 9j, 9o

Use the search function in the upper right corner of this table to filter for a specific InTASC standard.

For each module within this course, we offer a variety of ancillary materials: activities, assessments, H5P learning objects, and additional external resources. We wanted to make it easy to import the textbook materials over into your own Pressbook for students to use, without having to remove non-textbook materials manually. Since we intend for instructors to pick and choose from the buffet of aligned resources, we anticipate that you will not be importing all of the below ancillary materials; further, we assume that you will want to choose exactly where to offer those ancillaries you do choose (within your institution’s LMS, at the end of your version of this Pressbook, etc.).

Instructions on how to import items into your own Pressbook are available in the Instructor Guide. If you wish to import items into your LMS, you can

  • Cut and paste directly from a Pressbook chapter
  • Download files (Word documents, H5P files, and more) to add into the LMS either as attachments or direct embeds/pasting into a content page
  • Download the Common Course Cartridge for this course, available in the Instructor Guide, and then select which items you’d like to import into the LMS.


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