M5 Videos

Communication and Culture Basics

How Culture Drives Behaviours

  • Alignments: 10n, 10q
  • Description: TEDx talk by Julien S. Bourrelle, consultant and speaker on culture and communication, explaining the role of culture in effective communication practices and the importance of awareness of this dynamic in relationship building

Collaboration Practices

A Tale of Two Conversations: Take One

  • Alignments: 10n
  • Description: The “before” video in a before/after series, this video demonstrates communication practices that can damage the relationship between an educator and a parent in ways that harm a student’s learning experience

Ensuring Equity: Engaging Families Using Culturally Responsive Practices

IEP Meetings – Core Components and Key Considerations

  • Alignments: 1c, 7e, 8m
  • Description: Breakdown of the purpose, content, and preparation for IEP meetings

A Tale of Two Conversations: Take Two

  • Alignments: 10n
  • Description: The “after” video in a before/after series, this video models effective communication practices between an educator and a parent

IEP – Profile Page – Student Preferences and Interests

  • Alignments: 1c, 7e
  • Description: Why, what, and how to prioritize student preferences and interests, especially for transition services



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