M3 Videos


EDUCATE-ABLE: A History of Educating Children With Disabilities in America

  • Alignments: 4j, 10l
  • Description: Comparative look at before and after disabilities legislation such as the IDEA and ADA

The Rise of Inclusive Approaches and Laws

A Brief But Spectacular take on the disability rights movement

  • Alignments: 4j, 10l
  • Description: The story of Judith Heumann, disability rights activist

The 1960s in America: Crash Course US History #40

  • Alignments: 4j, 10l
  • Description: Tracing the development of the civil rights movement and how it shifted perspectives and legislation toward greater inclusion for historically excluded communities

Voices From Fairview

Jennifer Keelan video

  • Alignments: 9i, 10l
  • Description: The story of Jennifer Keelan, who famously climbed the steps of the U.S. Capital Building during a protest advocating for the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

2018: The Year of ESSA

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: 40 Years Later

  • Alignments: 9j, 9o, 10l
  • Description: Exploration of how the IDEA has changed education for students with disabilities



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