M2 Videos

The 13 Disability Categories

Strengths of Students with Learning Disabilities and Other Disorders


Autism Spectrum Disorder: ASD


Teaching Children Who Are Deaf-Blind

  • Alignments: 1h, 2h, 7j
  • Description: Conversation with teacher of Deaf-Blind students

Deafness and Hearing Impairment

Impact on Speech and Language with Kim Hassack

  • Alignments: 1h, 2h, 7j
  • Description: Kim Hassack, Deaf Education Teacher and Instructional Coach, discusses the effect of hearing loss on the development of speech and language

Emotional Disturbance

Emotional & Behaviorally Disturbed Students (EBD)

  • Alignments: 1h, 2h, 7j
  • Description: Overview of working with EBD students

Intellectual Disability

Intellectual Disability: Students with Disabilities

  • Alignments: 1h, 2h, 7j
  • Description: Overview of intellectual disabilities

Multiple Disabilities

Multiple Disabilities

  • Alignments: 1h, 2h, 7j
  • Description: Rebecca Alcantar, award-winning special education teacher, explains what the IDEA’s multiple disabilities category is and is not, and how to work with students and families receiving services under this category

Orthopedic Impairment

 Orthopedic impairment

Other Health Impairment

Other Health Impairment: Students with Disabilities

  • Alignments: 1h, 2h, 7j
  • Description: Defining the OHI category as it functions within the IDEA and what students receiving services under this category may experience and need

Specific Learning Disability

Ask an Expert: Why is early intervention so important for kids with dyslexia?

Speech or Language Impairment

Speech Language Impairment: Students with Disabilities

  • Alignments: 1h, 2h, 7j
  • Description: Defining the speech impairment (SLI) category as it functions within the IDEA and what students receiving services under this category may experience and need

Traumatic Brain Injury

What Schools Need to Know About Children with Brain Injury

  • Alignments: 1h, 2h, 7j
  • Description: Brainline, a national multimedia project that provides information and support regarding traumatic brain injury, explains important needs and resources within schools for students receiving services under this category of the IDEA

Visual Impairment

Visual Impairment Strategies: Moving From Object Activities to Contracted Braille



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