M1 Videos


A Landmark Study Strikes a Resounding Note for Inclusion

  • Alignments: 9n
  • Description: Description of a 2022 study demonstrating the value of LRE

For All Educators

What Happens When I File a Complaint?

  • Alignments: 9o
  • Description: Explanation of how the FERPA complaint process works

Every Student Succeeds Act

  • Alignments: 9j
  • Description: Overview of ESSA

What is the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment?

  • Alignments: 9j, 9o
  • Description: Explanation of the PPRA

Implicit Bias Defined

  • Alignments: 9i
  • Description: The National Education Association’s (NEA’s) perspective on implicit bias as it related to educators

Teach Teachers How to Create Magic

  • Alignments: 10p
  • Description: Ted Talk from Dr. Christopher Emdin, equitable education expert and advocate, calling for transforming teacher education by training future teachers to go to and learn from students’ personal and cultural environments

 For Special Education

Rosa’s Law

  • Alignments: 9i, 9o
  • Description: History and applications of Rosa's Law

The Social Model of Disability

  • Alignments: 9i, 10p
  • Description:



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Introduction to Special Education Copyright © by Minnesota State is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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