M1 H5P Learning Objects

Interactive learning objects

These H5P learning objects require student input and offer knowledge and comprehension level learning opportunities for students in a formative manner.

1.1: Federal Education Laws

  • Alignments: 9j, 9o
  • Description: Drag and drop. Knowledge check of general federal education law.

1.1: Legal and Ethical Responsibilities for Educators

  • Alignments: 9j, 9n, 9o
  • Description: Multiple format quiz. Pre- and post-section knowledge check of general education legal and ethical rights and responsibilities.

1.2: Legal and Ethical Responsibilities for Special Education

  • Alignments: 9j, 9o
  • Description: Multiple format quiz. Pre- and post-section knowledge check of special education-specific legal and ethical rights and responsibilities.

1.2: Special Education Abbreviations

  • Alignments: 9j, 9o
  • Description: Crossword. Knowledge check of common special education abbreviations.

H5P-Based Visuals

These H5P are visual expressions of learning materials within each module. Because not all end users will have access to either host the .h5p file or embed a link to our version, we’ve also provided an alternate expression of the materials in each H5P in a Word document.

1.1: AAE Code of Ethics

  • Alignments: 9o
  • Description: Accordion. Visual representation of AAE’s Code of Ethics.

1.1: NEA Code of Ethics

  • Alignments: 9o
  • Description: Accordion. Visual representation of NEA’s Code of Ethics.

1.1: School Governance

  • Alignments: 9o, 10p
  • Description: Image hotspots. Visual representation of school governance.

1.2: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

  • Alignments: 9j
  • Description: Accordion. Shorthand representation of the ADA.  

1.2: Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Special Education Professional Ethical Principles and Standards

  • Alignments: 9o
  • Description: Accordion. Listing of each CEC ethical principle and its related standards.

1.2: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

  • Alignments: 9j
  • Description: Accordion. Shorthand representation of the IDEA.  

1.2: Key Federal Laws in Special Education

  • Alignments: 9j
  • Description: Accordion. Shorthand representation of key laws in special education. 

1.2: Parts of the IDEA

  • Alignments: 9j
  • Description: Image hotspots. Visual representation of the parts of the IDEA.

1.2: Rehabilitation Act

  • Alignments: 9j
  • Description: Accordion. Shorthand overview of the Rehabilitation Act.


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