
Module 4: The Next Step

Do These Things


Discussion: Post Feedback for Your Colleague

We realize how important it is to have your colleagues’ expertise and advice applied to your Action Plan development. We’ve created these private group discussion boards so you can work with a partner or partners in greater depth.

This discussion board spans two modules: Module 3 and Module 4.

  • By the end of Module 3, generate a draft of your Action Plan and share it with your partner(s).
  • By the end of Module 4, provide feedback to your partner(s) on their draft(s).

We have provided the Action Plan Peer Feedback Form to assist you in offering feedback, but you are welcome to connect with your partner(s) live or offer written feedback in a different way as well. Just be sure that your evaluation considers the criteria we’ve identified for effective Action Plans.

Discussion: Equity and Risk

The approaches covered in this module can seem risky when they are first introduced. Maybe it makes you tired just thinking about an overhaul that massive, or you’re positive administrators/institutions/accrediting bodies to which you’re accountable wouldn’t approve. Or maybe the principles behind some of these approaches clash with your foundational beliefs about the role of an educator or student responsibilities.

Choose one of the approaches from this module for consideration, and answer at least one of the questions below.

  • What structural inequities (think about White Supremacy Culture Characteristics) in higher education could be disrupted/made visible by one or more of these approaches?
  • What privileges might you be risking by implementing that approach?
  • What are some strategies that you could use to cope with a potential loss of privilege?
  • How can you leverage those strategies to engage the people around you in equity work?
  • Thinking specifically about academic equity, which sources of institutional support would help enhance your will or capacity to risk trying one of these approaches?


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