Module 2: Your Role
Key Content
Carol Ormand, Shifting from Deficit Thinking to Asset Thinking
The JED Foundation, JED Mental Health Guide for Faculty
The JED Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to supporting teen and young adult mental health, has created a concise resource for faculty to assist them in supporting student mental health. Because access to the guide requires a sign-up, we have opted to place it within this D2L shell; however, if you would like to obtain your own copy, please go to The JED Foundation: Faculty Guide to Supporting Student Mental Health. For a much more detailed look at the conversations faculty are having about student mental health, take a look at The Role of Faculty in Student Mental Health in this module’s Deeper Dive.
Media and Other Resources
Podcast: Viji Sathy & Kelly Hogan, Inclusive Teaching
This interview with Viji Sathy and Kelly Hogan offers a great overview of one of our optional texts. The authors argue that inclusive teaching is a continually evolving practice rather than a fixed destination, and that continual, intentional evaluation is crucial to effective teaching and learning.
Hartnell College Equity Rubrics
Based on the five dimensions of culturally-affirming teaching practices as identified by Dr. Frank Harris III and Dr. J. Luke Wood (see related video below), Hartnell College developed two equity rubrics: one for teaching and learning, and one for service areas. In this FLC, we will focus on the Equity Rubric for Teaching & Learning.