

College of the Canyons would like to extend appreciation to the following people and organizations for allowing this textbook to be created:



California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office

Chancellor Dianne G. Van Hook

Santa Clarita Community College District

College of the Canyons Online Education





Have Feedback or Resources to Share?


Catch a typo? Want to suggest a change to improve the book? Please send us your feedback in this survey.


Did you use this book and make changes? Did you create supplementary resources (PowerPoints, activities, test/quiz banks, etc.)? Please put a creative commons license on those and share them back with us by joining and uploading them to the Google Group. If you are having issues, please contact Jennifer.Paris@canyons.edu.


Looking for resources? See what has been compiled in the Google Group.







© 2018, California Community Colleges, Chancellor’s Office.

Except where otherwise noted, the content in this book is licensed under a

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Further Acknowledgements


I would like to thank:


My department including my full-time faculty colleagues, Cindy Stephens and Wendy Ruiz, who supported me in pursuing the grant that funded this book and who believe in the purpose of our OER work.


James Glapa-Grossklag, Brian Weston, Joy Shoemate, Chloe McGinley, Alexa Johnson, Trudi Radtke, Lauren Adams, and Alex Gavilan for their support to make this work possible.


The peer reviewer, Rebecca Laff, for bringing a fresh set of eyes to the book and her work to make the book better.


My family, especially my children Ashlynn and Aidan, for being understanding of the time and energy commitments that this book, the larger project it is part of, and my advocacy for OER have taken.


Amanda Taintor, for being such a great collaborator and ally in developing and promoting OER in Early Childhood Education.


The larger OER community that keeps me thinking and pushing my understanding of what open is, what it should be, and what role I can play in that.


Jennifer Paris