
Appendix I: ECIPs – Scientific Thinking (Cognitive)

Early Childhood Indicators of Progress: Minnesota’s Early Learning Standards

Introduction to Scientific Thinking Domain

“I am eleven months old and I am a scientist and an investigator. I use my senses to explore the world around me. Today, I want to get to those interesting and inviting toys on the shelf across the carpet so I crawl as fast as I can while my caregiver, Ernestine, sits nearby. I pull a basket from the bottom shelf and several different-sized balls and beanbags fall onto the floor. I sit and try to pick up the balls but every time I reach out for them, they roll away from me. I laugh and smile and bat at them, clapping as they roll even further away. Ernestine rolls them back towards me. I watch the motion of the colored plastic as it moves across the rug and try to predict where the ball will roll but I’m not always right. Then, I pick up a beanbag. The corduroy fabric is soft in my hand and I feel the bumpy texture of the beans inside. I shake the bag and hear the sound of the beans.  Ernestine shakes a bag too, then, pulls down a drum from another shelf and shows me how to pound on it to make a sound. I pound on the drum with the beanbag still in my hand, alternating between pounding and shaking, and squeal with delight at the sounds I make.”

From birth, children are scientists. They are driven by their innate curiosity. Babies use their senses to take in information about their world, whether it’s the smell of their mother’s skin, the pitch of their father’s voice, the feel of a soft blanket, or the taste of breast milk. Children’s development of scientific thinking and inquiry begins in the very first months of life and continues to grow and expand as they interact with others and with the world around them. The world of mobile infants and toddlers expands so that they can crawl and walk across fresh, green grass or splash in a puddle. They explore the properties of objects and materials as they manipulate toys to make sounds or put things together.  Preschoolers take their investigations further. They notice differences and similarities in both the natural and physical world. They try to figure out
how something works. And they begin to make predictions and give explanations.

The indicators in the Scientific Thinking domain that are set out in the Minnesota Early Indicators of Child Progress (ECIPs) reflect the new thinking in the science education field: that for young learners, scientific inquiry is more beneficial than
occasional and unconnected science activities. Therefore, the focus for this domain is on scientific processes more than specific science content with the idea that this approach will lay the foundation for developing ways of thinking that support
more rigorous academic study in the Scientific Thinking domain in the elementary school years. The ECIPs provide guidance so that teachers and providers can know appropriate expectations for young learners and understand how best to support children so that they have the necessary foundation for later learning.

  • The Scientific Thinking and Inquiry domain includes three components:
    Component STPS 1-2: Discover
    Component STPS 3-4: Act
    Component STPS 5-6: Integrate

The sub-components and indicators identified for the ages of birth through kindergarten entry address the specific expectations across the developmental spectrum.

  • For infants, indicators focus on how children observe and respond to external stimuli, show interest in exploring, and begin to recognize familiar items, people, and situations.
  • For toddlers, the indicators reflect that they seek out items of interest, begin to use objects as tools, use simple strategies to carry out ideas, and build on past experiences.
  • For preschoolers, the indicators show the ways they seek to gain knowledge and formulate questions, making plans and predictions, and verbally expressing their ideas and thoughts.

This broad view of the Scientific Thinking domain allows for ease of integration with other domains in the ECIPs. As children follow their curiosity in exploration, they build on their approaches to learning. As they discover new things, they are delighted and motivated to continue trying new things and learning more. Using the language of scientific inquiry, children’s vocabulary is expanded. And, mathematical understanding of measurement and representation of quantity is often a part of scientific investigations.

Many in education are linking science and technology in what are called “STEM” initiatives. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics. Some researchers and public and private leaders relate the very future of our country to STEM:

“The nation’s capacity to innovate and thrive in the modern workforce depends on foundation of math and science learning. . . . A sustained, vibrant democracy is dependent upon this foundation in STEM.” (Sneiderman 2013, 1)

In early childhood education, STEM is a way to integrate other domains with scientific thinking. Teachers and providers can tap into the natural curiosity of young explorers so that science experiences are filled with learning opportunities that integrate skills from multiple domains.

Sneiderman, Joshua M. 2013. “Engaging Children in STEM Education Early!” Natural Start Alliance, December. North American Association for Environmental Education. http://naturalstart.org/feature-stories/engaging-children-stem-education-early

Scientific Thinking

Components ST1-2: Discover

Subcomponent 0-1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-4 years 4-5 years, K Readiness K Alignment
ST1 Observe
and question:
Child demonstrates
awareness and
engagement with phenomena,
materials, and


ST1.1 Observes
and responds to
external stimuliST1.2 Indicates
surprise, curiosity, or hesitancy when presented with unfamiliar items, people, situations 





Indicates interest by looking, pointing or




ST1.4 Asks





ST1.5 Notices
differences or
among materials, objects and
phenomenaST1.6 Uses
experiences to





ST1.7 Verbally
identifies obvious differences and similaritiesST1.8 Expresses
curiosity and/or
questions of
complex concepts 





K1.1.2.1 Use
observation to develop an accurate description of natural phenomena and compare one’s observational and descriptive with those of othersK2.1.1.1 Sort objects in terms of color, size, shape and texture and
reasoning for the
sorting system 
ST2 Investigate:
Child actively
shows wonder by demonstrating
curiosity of self,
others and
ST2.1 Explores
people and
objects using



ST2.2 Seeks out and explores
objects and
items with
interestST2.3 Begins
using objects
as tools 





Engages with
objects of interest – whether familiar or new- for extended periods of timeST2.5
properties of
to gain
Identifies and
uses some
tools for their


ST2.7 Seeks to
gain additional
knowledge in
areas of interestsST2.8 Explores
with the
intention of
finding out
specificST2.9 Uses
many tools as




ST2.10 Starts with a useful, general approach to investigation even if
details may be
lackingST2.11 Uses
discernment to
inform exploration

ST2.12 Uses tools
in new and novel ways




K1.1.2.1 Use
observation to develop an accurate description of natural phenomena and compare one’s observational and descriptive with those of othersK4.1.1.1 Observed
compare plants and animal 



Component ST3-4: Act

Subcomponent 0-1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-4 years 4-5 years, K Readiness K Alignment
ST3 Experiment:
Child develops and completes a
process based on a question, interest or anticipated outcome, adjusting as needed. 


recognition of
familiar items,
people, and
situationsST3.2 Persists in
looking for
missing object(s) 




willingness to try
new thingsST3.4 Uses
simple strategies
to carry out ideas

ability to focus on one element of a situation

ST3.6 Persists in
actions or
attempts to affect environment or objects


situations with
intent to achieve a simple outcomeST3.8 Uses a
variety of
strategies to carry out ideas

ability to focus on multiple elements of a situation

resilience in trial
and error process

ST3.11 Makes a
simple plan in
advance to see
what will happenST3.12 Uses a
greater variety
of strategies to
carry out ideasST3.13 Attempts
to make a prediction of an
expected outcome





ST3.14 Makes a
plan in advance
with an intended outcomeST3.15
awareness that
materials and
variables impact
strategies and
outcomesST3.16 Makes a
prediction when

ST3.17 Changes
a plan or refines
actions when
outcome is not as expected

Observe a natural system or its model and
identify living
and nonliving
of the system 





ST4 Evaluate:
Child analyzes,
critiques, and
outcomes in order
to draw


ST4.1 Shows a
preference for
certain materials, people or situationsST4.2 Indicates
surprise when
outcome is not as expected 






objects that
belong togetherST4.4 Asks
“what happened?” or
“where did it
go?” as a result
of an experiment 






ST4.5 Recognizes
obvious differences among like objectsST4.6 Makes
guesses at possible explanations or conclusions







ST4.7 Describes
all parts of an
outcome by
classifying and/or
organizingST4.8 Open to
more than one
solution or
answer to a
problemST4.9 Begins to
rely on or expect
evidence, things
seen or
directly, as
reasons for
results obtained


ST4.10 Offers
critique of an
based on
examination of
outcomesST4.11 Sees
outcomes as the
result of one’s
behavior or
actionsST4.12 Reflects
upon evidence
and draws
using data




Use observations
to develop
of a natural
and compare
one’s observations
and descriptions
with othersK3.2.2.2
Identify the sun as a source of
heat and lightK3.2.2.1
Monitor daily
and seasonal
changes in
weather and

Understanding Component ST5-6: Integrate

Subcomponent 0-1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-4 years 4-5 years, K Readiness K Alignment
Child effectively
thinking and share
thoughts, ideas,
conclusions with
self and others 




ST5.1 Vocalizes
in response to
stimuli or
individual needsST5.2 Seeks
interactions from
others in service
of own needs 









ST5.3 Uses
gestures, body
language or a
few words to
express emotions related
to an activity,
person or
experienceST5.4 Invites
others to
observe actions
and results 







ST5.5 Describes
details associated with an experience such as
materials, possible causes and effectsST5.6 Listens to
others ideas and
points of viewST5.7 Shares
stories and
related experiences with
others unprompted

ST5.8 Scribbles
or draws to show
and/or share




ST5.9 Verbally
processST5.10 Seeks
input from others
regarding an

explanations for
an outcome

ST5.12 Uses
drawing, writing,
models, or other
expressions to
present ideas




own actions in
process of
experimentingST5.14 Talks with
others about
questions, actions, ideas, observations or resultsST5.15 Articulates
and shares aloud explanations based
on reasoning and evidence

ST5.16 Uses more
detailed drawing, writing, models, or
expressions to
present ideas


to develop
of a natural
and compare
one’s observations and
with othersK2.1.1.1
Sort objects
in terms of
color, size,
shape and
texture and
reasoning for
the sorting


ST6 Apply:
Child leverages
and uses
unprompted or in a
new situation. 



ST6.1 Finds
comfort in
familiar people
and objects 




ST6.2 Revisits
and builds on
past experiences 





knowledge gained from one situation to anotherST6.4
relevant attributes
to inform the
development of a rule
ST6.5 Recalls
and uses
information in
new/ different
experiencesST6.6 Generates
new and more
questionsST6.7 Uses prior
experience to
identify details
that may be





ST6.8 Compares
findings to
predictions or
expected resultsST6.9 Identify
what to look for,
measure, or test
to answer
questionsST6.10 Develops
and applies rules

approach to
situation, problem or challenge
based on

Sort objects
into two
groups: those
that are found
in nature and
those that are
human madeK2.1.1.1
Sort objects in
terms of color,
size, shape
and texture
and communicate reasoning for the sorting




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Understanding the Whole Child Copyright © 2020 by Jennifer Paris; Antoinette Ricardo; and Dawn Rymond is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.